Our Vision

To facilitate the collaboration and advancement of Muslim educational institutions at the national and state levels, while respecting the autonomy of each individual institution and promoting their development and improvement.
Our Mission
To protect the rights and pave the way for development and progress of educational institutions under Muslim managements in particular in a democratic, constitutional and peaceful manner.

Vision and Mission

To bring together Muslim Educational Institutions at national and state levels without interference in the internal functioning of institutions for their better development and improvement.


To protect the rights and pave the way for development and progress of educational institutions under Muslim managements in particular in a democratic, constitutional and peaceful manner.

Aims & Objectives 

Aims and Objectives of the FMEII are as follows:

  1. To strive collectively for due rights of the educational institutions; and to provide legal assistance, if necessary.
  2. To protect the constitutional safeguards available to the community, in the field of education; and to benefit from them.
  3. To assist the educational institutions in raising their quality.
  4. To provide information about facilities available to governmental and non-governmental organizations; to seek and provide mutual co-operation.
  5. To promote co-operation and coherence among the associated institutions.
  6. To form a sub-agency, if necessary; for benefiting from government schemes; overcoming legal hurdles.
  7. To include religious education and create an Islamic and ethical environment.
  8. To propose curriculum, purge the textbooks of undesirable content and positively influence the educational policies.
  9. To strive for expansion and consolidation in the fields of education and training in the community.
  10. To promote research and development in education.
  11. To organize educational surveys, as needed; to pay special attention to girls’
  12. To keep abreast of innovations and development, at the national and international levels; in the fields of instruction and education.
  13. To promote value-based education.
  14. To maintain active contact with other institutions and associations in the community for the sake of universalization of education.


The Federation of Muslim Educational Institutions (India) was registered under Indian Societies Registration Act 1860 on 2 February 2011 with the Government of NCT of Delhi with an all-India jurisdiction.



The Federation intends to collect and collate information useful for NGOs and institutions working for the promotion of education among educationally backward communities like Muslims and to disseminate the same among its members and other interested individuals and groups.

This information will comprise policies and legal provisions and norms for establishing and managing educational institutions and the changes therein that take place from time to time. The information thus provided may also include ways and means to enhance quality of education and resources for running institutions. Besides, information regarding important national and international events useful for educationalists will also be provided. Useful information appertained to debates on and perspectives in education and recent trends in pedagogy, institutional management, communication, community mobilization, educational technology, etc will also be an important aspect.

Dissemination of such information will be free of charge. However, for some specific information, a nominal charge may be suggested.

Tools for dissemination of information on the part of the Federation will comprise dedicated websites, social media groups, bulletins, handouts, individual and group dispatches and the like.


Training is an important service provided by the Federation. Specially designed training workshops will be organized by it for all categories of stakeholders in education from time to time. The beneficiaries of such programs may include functionaries of NGOs and managers/principals of educational institutions, policymakers, public intellectuals and writers on educational issues, educational activists, community leaders having interest in the promotion of education among backward sections and the like. These programs may be with or without fee. The Federation may also develop customized programs for special training needs of interested institutions, organizations and their groups.


Many institutions and organizations need consulting services for preparing their proposals, documents, plans, reports, presentations etc. The Federation may support such needs through a panel of experts at its disposal. Besides, the Federation may arrange meetings of its members with experts and officials for their specific needs.


The Federation will coordinate with organizations and institutions working for the promotion of education among weaker sections, both at national and regional levels, especially among those engaged in uplifting the Muslim community. This may be desired basically to promote cooperation among them on mutually benefiting things.


The Federation will network among experts, activists, functionaries and social workers as well as key persons of government departments and regulatory bodies, not closely associated with it, for the benefit of its members and associates.