FMEII State Level Workshop-West Bengal

A day long State Level workshop of FMEII West Bengal Chapter was organized at Akash Ganga Hotel Auditorium Park Circus, Kolkata.
Advocate Abul Qushem had a long struggle for obtaining recognition and minority status for minority Institution in west Bengal. He has a success report also in this field.
37 workers who are active in education field attended the programme with keen interest.
The Program started by Dars-e-Quran by Prof. Ayatullah Farooque.
In his dars e- quran prof. Ayatullah farooque sb of Aliya university explained that Allah would not change the fate of any community if they don’t change their policy.
Ameer e Halque encouraged and inspired people on joint and practical effort.
Today I (Abdul Aziz) tried to introduce FMEII and its joint effort in national level has been explained.
We have come to know very clearly from the lecture and his endevour that if we go in proper way, Govt will cooperate us in giving NOC ,Recognition and minority status certificate. He has success report in this field. Actually, the practical report is that we were reluctant in following proper way.
We had a very important debate and discussion on the ground of right of minority institution.
Article 30(1): All minorities whether based on religion or language, shall have the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice.
Article30(2): The state shall not in granting aid to educational institutions, discriminate against any educational institution on the ground that it is under the management of any minority, whether based on religion or language. It derives from here that minority certificate holder schools have right to get aid from govt (Even salary). But Govt. of west Bengal has formulated 942 MD guide line v (4) where the govt added: ‘There shall be no discrimination for such minority educational institutions for providing other aids by the govt. in consonance with the spirit of article 30(2) of the constitution of India.
Here other aids means mead day meal, books dress, classrooms etc with the bad motive that minority institution will get all these aids except salary which is contradictory to article 30(2).
• At the end, I (Abdul Aziz) explained benefits of being a minority institution.Especially I explained SPQEM scheme and IDMI scheme(Scheme for Insfrastructure development in minority institutes).
• At last, the lecture of Junais sb was presented via projector. Resolution taken:
- We are to be associated with all the minority institution s in order to get them ready for recognition and minority status at the ist phase showing our unity and strong movement for achieving our constitutional right.
- To start a legal fight to change 942 MD guide line V (4) of govt of west Bengal.
- To compile a guide book for Govt. scheme.
- A road map means a yar plan is to be chalked out and work as per schedule.
- Efforts will be exerted to make all the institution s members of FMEII.
Abdul Aziz
Convenor of the programme.