FMEII Tamil Nadu Chapter Formed

Chennai: The Tamil Nadu Chapter of the Federation of Muslim Educational Institutions in India (FEMEII) was formed in a meeting of various educational institutions held in Chennai on May 29th.
The meeting was presided over by Mr. A. Shabbir Ahmed, President, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH), Tamil Nadu Zone. Mr. N. Jan Mohammed, Secretary, JIH, welcomed the gathering consisting of members of the Managements and faculties of various educational institutions in Tamil Nadu.
Mr. J. Mohamed Yahya, President of Association of Islamic Teachers Association (AITA), Tamil Nadu Zone, introduced the FEMEII and highlighted the Constitutional rights guaranteed to the minorities such as Muslims and Christians in India.
He felt that at the present time it is necessary for us to understand them and fight for our rights to uplift the Muslim community educationally and economically.
He explained how the Muslim institutions are not able to get the needed support from various educational departments in Tamil Nadu to carry on their works smoothly and appealed to the Muslim institutions to join and strengthen the Federation to find a solution to their grievances.
Mr. K. Jalaludeen, Joint Secretary, Islamic Foundation Trust, explained the aims and objectives of the Federation which are given hereunder:
- Collectively strive for due rights of the institution and providing legal assistance if necessary.
- Protect the Constitutional safeguards available to the community in the field of education and to benefit from them.
- Assist the institutions to raise their quality
- Provide information about facilities available with government and non-government organizations; to seek and provide mutual co-operation.
- Promote co-operation and coherence among the associated institutions.
- Form a sub agency if necessary for benefiting from government schemes overcoming legal hurdles.
- Include religious education and create an Islamic and ethical environment.
- Propose curriculum, purge the textbooks of undesirable content and positively influence the educational policies.
- Strive for expansion and consolidation in the fields of education and training in the community.
- Promote research and development in education.
- Organize educational surveys as needed and pay special attention to girls’ education.
- Keep abreast of innovations and developments on national and international levels in the fields of instruction and education.
- Promote consistency in the religious and general curriculum.
For the sake of universalization of education, maintain active contact with other institutions and associations in the community.
Mr. P.K. Shabbir Ahmed, founder member of the Organisation of Muslim Educational Institutions and Associations of Tamil Nadu, was the main speaker.
He congratulated the organizers of the forum and asked them to assist the poor and needy students to seek education to enable them to lead a dignified life and make economic progress in the present highly materialistic world.
He said that our forefathers like Mr. C. Abdul Hakeem sahib who were not so much educated have done a lot for the educational upliftments of not only Muslims but also non-Muslims but unfortunately it is not the case with us – the present generation who are well educated and at the helm of affairs– in comparison with them, of course with some exceptions.
He said that it is our duty to recapture their spirit and zeal for the betterment of the community and country.
Many others also spoke welcoming the forum and requesting it to help the educational institutions which are finding it difficult to get the approval and aids of the government.
After detailed discussions a five member Adhoc Committee was formed consisting of the following members:
- T.A.S. Rafeeque Ahmed, Correspondent, Osmania Higher Secondary School, Tirupattur
- Mr. L. H. Mohammed Ali, Correspondent, Muslim Arts College, Thirvithangode, Kanyakumari district.
- Mr. K. Abdullah, Correspondent, Islamiah Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore
- Dr. A.M. Salahuddin, Treasurer, Anjuman Matriculation Higher Secondary School, T. Nagar, Chennai.
- Mr. Ahmed Meeran, Chairman, Unity Public School, Chennai.
It was announced that a meeting is to be held on 27th June 2010 in Delhi where the national President, Hon. Secretary and other office hearers of the all India based FEMEII will be elected.